Meet… Fresh Gooseneck Barnacles (Percebes)
The coveted Percebes of Portugal. In Spain and Portugal, seafood lovers prize percebes above lobster or shrimp. Extremely unique and delicious, these are often described as reminiscent of lobster claw meat. Although percebes may look daunting to cook it’s actually very easy. Our preferred ways to cook them are to steam or simmer them in heavily salted water. That’s it. No need to season them beyond the salted water and then serve them with some lemon slices.
Shipped whole in 2 pound increments (weighing live and wet animals isn't easy but every honest effort will be made to get as close to this exact weight as possible!)
Should be consumed within 48 hours of delivery.

Buena Vista Seafood
We look to Buena Vista for all top-quality products that we're looking to import from abroad. They secret weapon is their Live King Crabs and live langoustines from Norway. Now, they're bringing us live blue lobster from Portugal! Importing seafood has it's challenges, which is why we look to Buena Vista for there assistance in caring for these live animals
Once cooked, they should be tender and taste fresh and briny like an oyster.
Portuguese Gooseneck Barnacles
Meet… Fresh Gooseneck Barnacles (Percebes)
The coveted Percebes of Portugal. In Spain and Portugal, seafood lovers prize percebes above lobster or shrimp. Extremely unique and delicious, these are often described as reminiscent of lobster claw meat. Although percebes may look daunting to cook it’s actually very easy. Our preferred ways to cook them are to steam or simmer them in heavily salted water. That’s it. No need to season them beyond the salted water and then serve them with some lemon slices.
Shipped whole in 2 pound increments (weighing live and wet animals isn't easy but every honest effort will be made to get as close to this exact weight as possible!)
Should be consumed within 48 hours of delivery.

Buena Vista Seafood
We look to Buena Vista for all top-quality products that we're looking to import from abroad. They secret weapon is their Live King Crabs and live langoustines from Norway. Now, they're bringing us live blue lobster from Portugal! Importing seafood has it's challenges, which is why we look to Buena Vista for there assistance in caring for these live animals
Once cooked, they should be tender and taste fresh and briny like an oyster.
Prepare & care